Premier League
Premier LeagueUkraine
  1. 1Dinamo Kiev Overall standingsDinamo Kiev17134043
  2. 2Oleksandria Overall standingsOleksandria17115138
  3. 3Shakhtar Donetsk Overall standingsShakhtar Donetsk16103333
  4. 4Kryvbas KR Overall standingsKryvbas KR1694331
  5. 5Polissya Overall standingsPolissya1776427
  6. 6Karpaty Lviv Overall standingsKarpaty Lviv1773724
  7. 7Rukh Vynnyky Overall standingsRukh Vynnyky1758423
  8. 8Zorya Overall standingsZorya1671822
  9. 9Veres Rivne Overall standingsVeres Rivne1747619
  10. 10LNZ Cherkasy Overall standingsLNZ Cherkasy1754819
  11. 11Kolos Kovalivka Overall standingsKolos Kovalivka1839618
  12. 12Vorskla Overall standingsVorskla1744916
  13. 13Livyi Bereh Overall standingsLivyi Bereh1744916
  14. 14Chornomorets Overall standingsChornomorets18431115
  15. 15Obolon Kyiv Overall standingsObolon Kyiv1735914
  16. 16Inhulets' Overall standingsInhulets'161699
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