Super League
Super LeagueSwitzerland
  1. 1Lugano Overall standingsLugano24126642
  2. 2Basel Overall standingsBasel24125741
  3. 3Luzern Overall standingsLuzern24116739
  4. 4Servette Overall standingsServette24109539
  5. 5Lausanne-Sport Overall standingsLausanne-Sport24106836
  6. 6St.Gallen Overall standingsSt.Gallen2498735
  7. 7Young Boys Overall standingsYoung Boys2497834
  8. 8Zürich Overall standingsZürich2496933
  9. 9Sion Overall standingsSion24861030
  10. 10Yverdon Sport Overall standingsYverdon Sport24661224
  11. 11Grasshoppers Overall standingsGrasshoppers244101022
  12. 12Winterthur Overall standingsWinterthur24451517
In this section, you can see past matches and statistics, Super League the number of matches played by the teams, the number of wins, losses, the number of goals scored, You can see the number of goals conceded and the average and review the fixture details.