Super Liga
Super LigaSerbia
  1. 1Red Star Belgrade Overall standingsRed Star Belgrade23221067
  2. 2Partizan Overall standingsPartizan23137346
  3. 3Radnički Kragujevac Overall standingsRadnički Kragujevac23114837
  4. 4Mladost Lučani Overall standingsMladost Lučani23106736
  5. 5Vojvodina Overall standingsVojvodina2389633
  6. 6OFK Beograd Overall standingsOFK Beograd2396833
  7. 7Cukaricki Overall standingsCukaricki2388732
  8. 8Novi Pazar Overall standingsNovi Pazar23851029
  9. 9Radnički Niš Overall standingsRadnički Niš23851029
  10. 10Železničar Pančevo Overall standingsŽelezničar Pančevo2377928
  11. 11TSC Overall standingsTSC23841128
  12. 12Napredak Overall standingsNapredak23761027
  13. 13Spartak Subotica Overall standingsSpartak Subotica2368926
  14. 14Tekstilac Odžaci Overall standingsTekstilac Odžaci23731324
  15. 15IMT Novi Beograd Overall standingsIMT Novi Beograd23651223
  16. 16Jedinstvo Ub Overall standingsJedinstvo Ub23321811
In this section, you can see past matches and statistics, Super Liga the number of matches played by the teams, the number of wins, losses, the number of goals scored, You can see the number of goals conceded and the average and review the fixture details.