  1. 1Celtic Overall standingsCeltic26223169
  2. 2Rangers Overall standingsRangers26175456
  3. 3Aberdeen Overall standingsAberdeen261151038
  4. 4Dundee United Overall standingsDundee United26107937
  5. 5Hibernian Overall standingsHibernian26810834
  6. 6St. Mirren Overall standingsSt. Mirren26941331
  7. 7Kilmarnock Overall standingsKilmarnock26871131
  8. 8Motherwell Overall standingsMotherwell26941331
  9. 9Hearts Overall standingsHearts26861230
  10. 10Ross County Overall standingsRoss County26781129
  11. 11Dundee Overall standingsDundee26761327
  12. 12St. Johnstone Overall standingsSt. Johnstone26631721
In this section, you can see past matches and statistics, Premiership the number of matches played by the teams, the number of wins, losses, the number of goals scored, You can see the number of goals conceded and the average and review the fixture details.