  1. 1Ajax Overall standingsAjax22173254
  2. 2PSV Overall standingsPSV23164352
  3. 3Utrecht Overall standingsUtrecht23127443
  4. 4Feyenoord Overall standingsFeyenoord22117440
  5. 5AZ Overall standingsAZ22124640
  6. 6Twente Overall standingsTwente22116539
  7. 7Go Ahead Eagles Overall standingsGo Ahead Eagles22105735
  8. 8Groningen Overall standingsGroningen23761027
  9. 9Heerenveen Overall standingsHeerenveen23761027
  10. 10NAC Breda Overall standingsNAC Breda23831227
  11. 11Fortuna Sittard Overall standingsFortuna Sittard22751026
  12. 12NEC Overall standingsNEC22741125
  13. 13PEC Zwolle Overall standingsPEC Zwolle23671025
  14. 14Willem II Overall standingsWillem II23661124
  15. 15Heracles Overall standingsHeracles2359924
  16. 16Sparta Rotterdam Overall standingsSparta Rotterdam23481120
  17. 17RKC Waalwijk Overall standingsRKC Waalwijk23451417
  18. 18Almere City Overall standingsAlmere City22351414
In this section, you can see past matches and statistics, Eredivisie the number of matches played by the teams, the number of wins, losses, the number of goals scored, You can see the number of goals conceded and the average and review the fixture details.