  1. 1Bayern Munich Overall standingsBayern Munich22174155
  2. 2Bayer Leverkusen Overall standingsBayer Leverkusen22138147
  3. 3Eintracht Frankfurt Overall standingsEintracht Frankfurt22126442
  4. 4RB Leipzig Overall standingsRB Leipzig22107537
  5. 5Freiburg Overall standingsFreiburg22113836
  6. 6Mainz Overall standingsMainz22105735
  7. 7Stuttgart Overall standingsStuttgart22105735
  8. 8Borussia M'gladbach Overall standingsBorussia M'gladbach22104834
  9. 9Wolfsburg Overall standingsWolfsburg2296733
  10. 10Werder Bremen Overall standingsWerder Bremen2286830
  11. 11Borussia Dortmund Overall standingsBorussia Dortmund2285929
  12. 12Augsburg Overall standingsAugsburg2277828
  13. 13Union Berlin Overall standingsUnion Berlin22661024
  14. 14St. Pauli Overall standingsSt. Pauli22631321
  15. 15Hoffenheim Overall standingsHoffenheim22561121
  16. 16Heidenheim Overall standingsHeidenheim22421614
  17. 17Bochum Overall standingsBochum22351414
  18. 18Holstein Kiel Overall standingsHolstein Kiel22341513
In this section, you can see past matches and statistics, Bundesliga the number of matches played by the teams, the number of wins, losses, the number of goals scored, You can see the number of goals conceded and the average and review the fixture details.