Ligue 1
Ligue 1France
  1. 1PSG Overall standingsPSG22175056
  2. 2Marseille Overall standingsMarseille22144446
  3. 3Nice Overall standingsNice22117440
  4. 4Monaco Overall standingsMonaco22124640
  5. 5Lille Overall standingsLille22108438
  6. 6Lyon Overall standingsLyon22106636
  7. 7Strasbourg Overall standingsStrasbourg2296733
  8. 8Lens Overall standingsLens2296733
  9. 9Brest Overall standingsBrest221021032
  10. 10Toulouse Overall standingsToulouse2276927
  11. 11Angers Overall standingsAngers22751026
  12. 12Auxerre Overall standingsAuxerre2267925
  13. 13Rennes Overall standingsRennes22721323
  14. 14Reims Overall standingsReims22571022
  15. 15Nantes Overall standingsNantes2249921
  16. 16Saint-Etienne Overall standingsSaint-Etienne22531418
  17. 17Le Havre Overall standingsLe Havre22521517
  18. 18Montpellier Overall standingsMontpellier22431515
In this section, you can see past matches and statistics, Ligue 1 the number of matches played by the teams, the number of wins, losses, the number of goals scored, You can see the number of goals conceded and the average and review the fixture details.