First Division A
First Division ABelgium
  1. 1Genk Overall standingsGenk26193460
  2. 2Club Brugge Overall standingsClub Brugge26157452
  3. 3Union Saint-Gilloise Overall standingsUnion Saint-Gilloise261210446
  4. 4Anderlecht Overall standingsAnderlecht26136745
  5. 5Antwerp Overall standingsAntwerp26127743
  6. 6Gent Overall standingsGent261010640
  7. 7Standard Liège Overall standingsStandard Liège2698935
  8. 8Sporting Charleroi Overall standingsSporting Charleroi26961133
  9. 9OH Leuven Overall standingsOH Leuven26711832
  10. 10Mechelen Overall standingsMechelen26871131
  11. 11Dender Overall standingsDender26871131
  12. 12Westerlo Overall standingsWesterlo26861230
  13. 13Cercle Brugge Overall standingsCercle Brugge26791030
  14. 14Sint-Truiden Overall standingsSint-Truiden26591224
  15. 15Kortrijk Overall standingsKortrijk26541719
  16. 16Beerschot Overall standingsBeerschot26281614
In this section, you can see past matches and statistics, First Division A the number of matches played by the teams, the number of wins, losses, the number of goals scored, You can see the number of goals conceded and the average and review the fixture details.