  1. 1Sturm Graz Overall standingsSturm Graz18114337
  2. 2Austria Vienna Overall standingsAustria Vienna18114337
  3. 3Wolfsberger AC Overall standingsWolfsberger AC18102632
  4. 4Rapid Vienna Overall standingsRapid Vienna1877428
  5. 5Salzburg Overall standingsSalzburg1877428
  6. 6Blau-Weiß Linz Overall standingsBlau-Weiß Linz1873824
  7. 7LASK Overall standingsLASK1864822
  8. 8Hartberg Overall standingsHartberg1857622
  9. 9WSG Tirol Overall standingsWSG Tirol1846818
  10. 10Austria Klagenfurt Overall standingsAustria Klagenfurt1845917
  11. 11Grazer AK Overall standingsGrazer AK1837816
  12. 12Rheindorf Altach Overall standingsRheindorf Altach18341113
In this section, you can see past matches and statistics, Bundesliga the number of matches played by the teams, the number of wins, losses, the number of goals scored, You can see the number of goals conceded and the average and review the fixture details.